Travel Light

Active Group Adventures

Reignite your spirit on our life-changing trips

Exceptional Journeys curated by travel experts.

Envision yourself hiking through a remote mountain range in Patagonia with a group of inspiring people who share a common love of adventure and personal growth.  Now imagine that the entire trip was planned for you and all you had to do was show up and enjoy the experience!

At Travel Light, we turn these dreams into reality. Our adventures are more than just getaways; they're catalysts for personal and professional rejuvenation. Dive into a world where your adventurous spirit meets the ease of expert planning.

Trips are hand curated by Melanie Tucci, a seasoned travel expert. Melanie pours her heart into these adventures and hand selects the best accommodations, food and cultural experiences. Many of our trips focus on hut-to-hut hiking which is a unique niche in adventure travel.

We are TRAVEL LIGHT ✨ Leave the unnecesary baggage behind and experience more joy in your life!

— Why Choose Us? —

you crave adventure and connection

In a world of constant deadlines and stress, Travel Light offers an escape to the extraordinary. Our adventures are meticulously crafted to reignite your passion for life and connect you with like-minded individuals.  You are not meant to spend the healthiest years of your life sitting behind a desk!

With Travel Light, you're not just booking a trip; you're investing in an experience that will refresh your perspective and invigorate your life.

Expert Curation

Indulge in meticulously curated adventures for unparalleled experiences and unforgettable moments.

Exclusive Networking

Experience the deep bond created when you climb mountains and weather storms together. There is nothing quite like it.

Sustainable Travel Practices

Choose responsible tourism, leaving a positive impact on the environment and local communities globally.

Personalized Consultations

Tailor your journey with our team, ensuring a seamless, customized experience for solo or group travel.


Designed for the Adventurous Professional

Our trips are tailored for those who don't just seek a break, but a true departure from the ordinary. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or new to the world of adventure, our community of like-minded professionals provides the perfect backdrop for networking, sharing experiences, and creating lasting bonds.

Join us to explore the world and expand your network in the most inspiring settings.


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Your Next Great Adventure Awaits

Ready to see the world and meet the best people? Sign up for our mailing list to get early access to all trips!

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Travel Hacks and Insights for Every Adventurer

Trust Adventure Planning
By Alan R 15 Jun, 2024
Learn why trusting adventure planning experts is essential for your next trip. Discover personalized itineraries, insider knowledge, and seamless experiences.
Trust Adventure Planning
By Alan R 15 Jun, 2024
Learn why trusting adventure planning experts is essential for your next trip. Discover personalized itineraries, insider knowledge, and seamless experiences.
08 Jun, 2024
In the world of business, travel isn’t just about getting from point A to point B. It's about building relationships, fostering team spirit, and driving business growth. Executive group travel takes these objectives to the next level, offering unique opportunities that individual business trips can’t match. But is it the right choice for your team? Let’s dive into the details and find out.  Understanding Executive Group Travel Executive group travel involves organizing trips for teams of executives to attend conferences, retreats, client meetings, or other business-related events. Unlike regular business travel, which typically focuses on individual itineraries, executive group travel is about the collective experience. It’s about enhancing team dynamics and achieving business goals through shared travel experiences.
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