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Melanie Tucci • Jan 25, 2024

10 Must-Have Items On Colombia’s Lost City Trek

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Nestled in the dense jungle of Colombia, The Lost City is one of the most significant indigenous sites in the Americas that offers a fascinating glimpse into the past civilizations of the region.

What items should you pack for the Lost City Trek?

Unfortunately there are no direct flights to the Lost City (It's called the Lost City not the Found City). Reaching this ancient wonder takes days of trekking through the lush jungles of Colombia. Having the right knowledge and equipment will be the difference maker for anyone that is embarking on this amazing journey. Is it impossible to get there? No. Is it difficult? It can be if you’re not prepared. 

So I have created a list of the TOP 10 MUST HAVE ITEMS you should bring to make The Lost City Trek as enjoyable as possible.

Osprey Backpack Women’s


Osprey Backpack Men’s


I bought my first Osprey backpack in 2015 and have been using it on every international adventure since. The quality is unmatched and they are the perfect combo of comfortable and lightweight. My favorite product is the Osprey Eja 48 for women and the Osprey Exos 48 for men. These packs have a mesh system that acts as a barrier between your back and the backpack - trust me - this is a game changer for breathability and sweat! If your backpack does not properly fit, is too heavy or just uncomfortably in general, you will struggle more than you need to.

Ultra Lite Daypack

This Ultra Lite Daypack is one of my FAVORITE travel items and serves a dual purpose - use it before the trek while exploring Colombia’s cities, and use it while visiting the Lost City (you’ll leave your larger backpack at the final camp and just bring the daypack up to the Lost City). This pack is strong and reliable but also light and comfortable. I’ve been using this Ultra Lite Daypack for multiple years and it's still holding strong.


Frogg Toggs Poncho

The weather in this region is warm and wet year round, it is the jungle! So staying dry should be top priority. When trekking through wet and damp environments I always travel with a poncho. They are light, reusable and will go over your body and your backpack keeping you and your gear dry. I love using the Frogg Toggs Poncho because not only are they durable, they have a variety of fun colors to choose from.


Darn Tough Hiking Socks

One of the most important things you can do on a hike is to keep your feet clean and dry. Wetness can increase the friction between the foot and the sock, and if it's not taken care of, it can lead to sores and blisters on your feet. For the Lost City Trek you’ll need 4-5 pairs of socks to keep your feet dry. Darn Tough Hiking Socks are my go to hiking socks. They will keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter. AND they come with a lifetime warranty!


Columbia Booney Fishing Hat

Being in the Colombian jungle means being prepared for all the elements, rain or shine. I like to bring a hat that not only will protect me from harmful UV rays but will also keep me cool. The Columbia Booney Fishing Hat gives me good protection from the sun and has a breathable mesh material so you don’t get too hot wearing it.


Chilly Towel

If you’ve never heard of a Chilly Towel, I'm about to rock your world! This chilly towel will keep you cool for hours. All you need to do is add water, place it on your neck or head and the towel will work wonders. I don't understand the science behind it and I don't care. All I know is this towel was a game changer on my Tour Du Mont Blanc hike.


Teva Universal Sandals

After a long day of trekking it is important to let your feet breath and take a break from your hiking shoes. I recommend bringing a pair of the Teva Universal Sandals as your camp shoe. These are great for evenings and also for walking through rivers. They dry quickly and are lightweight.


Sleeping Bag Liner

The evenings can get chilly on the Lost City Trek. It is not cold enough for a sleeping bag, but you will want to have a Sleeping Bag Liner. These are basically sleeping sheets that will help you feel clean and cozy at the end of the day. This one also has built in protection from bugs!


Bronners Liquid Soap

On the subject of personal hygiene, a lot of the places you will be staying at may or may not provide soap. No one wants to hike behind a smelly hiker. So I like to bring a bottle of Bronners Liquid Soap. These soaps smell great, are travel friendly (2oz bottles), and are completely organic with no detergents. This is important because you don't want to put chemicals in the water streams of the indigenous places you will be staying in.


Nuun hydration tabs

The Lost City Trek is a sweaty experience so having electrolytes handy is a smart move. When you sweat your body loses vital minerals needed for recovery. I like to use the Nuun hydration tabs to help me hydrate and feel good throughout the trek. I prefer Nuun over other brands because each tablet has only 1 gram of sugar.


Eye mask

Good sleep is important for recovery. I personally can't get a good night's sleep without having a good Eye mask. I like this one because it’s cushioned and feels like a little pillow for my face. It also has pockets so it’s not pressing against your eyes.


I hope that after reading this article you feel more prepared to take on this amazing adventure. If you want the full packing list of what I tell all my clients to bring on The Lost City Trek submit your email below. Thanks for stopping by and as always, Travel Light.

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