
Client Testimonials

Hear from Our Adventure Community

Our community of travelers is our greatest advocate. Read through the heartfelt testimonials from people like you who have joined our adventures and returned with stories of transformation. From the newfound friendships formed on the trails to the exhilarating sense of achievement in conquering new heights, these testimonials are a window into what you can expect with Travel Light. They speak of moments of clarity, connections made with fellow travelers, and the unparalleled joy of exploring the world. Each testimonial is a testament to the life-changing impact of our journeys, highlighting how our adventures go beyond tourism to become pivotal, life-enriching experiences.

— testimonials —

Client Testimonials

“Melanie is a fun, knowledgeable, and experienced traveler and trekker. I was a traveler with a group she coordinated to Patagonia and it was a blast. I would recommend Travel Light trips to anyone interested in epic adventures with groups of like-minded individuals.”

Laura, Patagonia Trip Participant


"Melanie removed the stress and anxiety out of planning and spun it into excitement and anticipation! She is trustworthy and reliable while being prompt and delivering on all promises. Her amount of research and attention to detail is staggering. On the trip itself, she introduced a large group who did not all know each other beforehand. Yet, we all immediately bonded, and left as lifelong friends. Her ability to lead the flock while keeping the experience fun, relaxing, and enriching is a delicate balance achieved by few tour guides. Also, as a bonus, she is likely to document the journey with stunning photos that you’ll enjoy for years to come. Enjoy your trip with Melanie! You are in the best of hands."

Brian, TMB Trip Participant


"Melanie helped me prepare for every aspect of our 11-day Tour du Mont Blanc trek. I had never done a trip like this, and she made me feel confident that I was prepared well before we left. She made time to review my gear and help me eliminate things that would weigh me down. Her calm demeanor puts you at ease not only before the trip, but also during. She handles stressful situations with grace, and is always optimistic. There were a few times on the trail where I was struggling with back pain, and she immediately rallied the group and took a few things from my pack to lighten my load. As someone who struggles to ask for help, I was thankful she took the initiative to help me. She somehow meshed a group of mostly strangers seamlessly. And made sure no one ever felt left out or left behind. I can’t thank her enough for helping me get out of my comfort zone and explore the beautiful world we live in!"

Brenna, TMB Trip Participant


"Melanie from Travel Light is my favorite adventure travel planner in the world! She’s organized, makes things easy every step of the way, and best of all is such a fun time! Can’t recommend Travel Light trips enough! If you get an opportunity to go on a trip with Mel and Enzo, do it! "

Dan, Panama Trip Participant

"Loved the group and the activities planned by Melanie. It was one of the best trips I’ve ever had! "

Olivia, Island Hopping Trip Participant

"Melanie is an inspiration. Her calm, cool, and collectiveness, fun and adventurous spirit, and love for travel all showed through on this amazing bonding wild crazy abnormal adventure. Really, fantastic job. Thank you."

Aye, Panama Trip Participant

"Such an amazing trip!! Made all my adult summer camp dreams come true. So great to unplug, unwind, and make some amazing new friends in such a beautiful setting! "

Kara, Colombia Trip Participant

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